Gundel Transport Services are a Nottinghamshire based mechanical handling transport and general haulage company, providing crane hire and haulage services on a national and international scale.
With a high level of flexibility, we transport everything from small loads, to large pipes, plant, wheeled vehicles, rail, narrow boats, engineering equipment and prefabricated walls and structures to name a few.
Our Fleet of heavy goods vehicles can transport up to 28 tonnes standard vehicle and we have STGO Cat 1 & 2 capabilities..
Gundel Transport Services supply goods transportation solutions to both large blue chip companies, and smaller limited businesses.
Mechanical Handling Transport & Nationwide Haulage Specialists
Gundel Transport Services also offer hiab hire services, and can mechanically handle many goods, including building materials, engineering equipment, pipes rail and much more..
Gundel Transport Services are registered waste carriers, have London Borough access permits, and operate low emission vehicles.
All of our drivers and operatives are CITB accredited, and are fully trained and accredited in health and safety. We have FORS Gold and Crossrail compliant vehicles and drivers.
Gundel Transport Services are highly experienced in transporting:
- Pipes
- Building Materials
- Engineering Equipment
- Fork Lift Trucks
- Plant
- Round Timber
- Pre Fabricated Buildings
- Narrow Boats
- Tracked Vehicles
- Wheeled Vehicles


Gundel Transport Services can mechanically handle:
- Building Materials
- Engineering Equipment
- Plant
- Pipes
- Pre Fabricated Buildings
- Pre Fabricated Walls
Gundel Transport Services carry out work for a wide range of industries throughout the UK. Gundel transport can provide your company a friendly, reliable & flexible Hiab & transport service around the UK & international.
Contact us today to find out more information about how we can help you & your business.